Tuesday, June 16, 2009

An important message from Free Speech Coalition Chairman Roger Hedgecock:

ABC News has reportedly agreed to broadcast its news June 24 from the Blue Room of the White House, virtually turning over news programming that night to the Obama Government.

ABC also plans a prime time special, "Prescription for America", again broadcast from the White House. This "Special" will feature Obama Government officials promoting the President's proposal for Government health care. No opposing views are allowed on the program.

As Chair of the Free Speech Coalition (donttouchmydial.com), I call on ABC to include all points of view on this most important issue. As more Americans become familiar with the complexities of the health care system and the various proposals to "reform" it, it is the responsibility of the "News" to let all voices be heard.

ABC News is in danger of becoming a propaganda organ for the Obama Government.

Our Coalition was formed to fight restrictions on Free Speech in the Media, particularly the "Fairness Doctrine" and its evil offshoots "localism" and "media ownership diversity" --policies now being considered for the purpose of censoring conservative talk radio by the Obama FCC.

For ABC News to present only the Obama Government side of this important issue would betray the public interest in a free press.

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