Friday, June 12, 2009

Why Join the Fight Against Medicare For All?

1. Medicare for All will create shortages in healthcare services forcing providers to ration care and increase wait times for patients (12-18 month wait in other countries).

2. Currently, Americans do not pay taxes on employer provided health insurance benefits. If you have health insurance through your company, you are about to be taxed on those plans. The Government will require all Americans have health insurance and impose FINES on those who do not.

3. The REAL GOAL: Government insurance seeks to eventually squeeze out and eliminate private health insurance companies altogether, forcing Americans to become dependent on a "one plan fits no one" Medicare system.

4. The Government will have access to and control over your health records intruding into the privacy and confidentiality of the doctor patient relationship. We all know how the Government handles confidential information.

5. The current Medicare and Medicaid programs are flawed and full of corruption. What will happen when we add another 100 million Americans to the program?

6. The President's current plan will add another TRILLION dollars to the deficit. Another government program on an already strained economy will bankrupt the United States.

7. How will Congress pay for their new plans? TAXES. The President campaigned that 95% of Americans would receive a tax cut. However Democrats are now planning to increase taxes on everything from sugar to cigarettes as well as creating new taxes, such as Value Added Tax.

8. No one in the country is currently denied access to healthcare so why is the President rushing a plan for socialized medicine without thoughtful debate and consideration? The Government should not be allowed to tell you what healthcare you are entitled to and how to live your life.

9. Government controlled heath care takes the decision making out of the hands of individuals and families and puts it in the hands of politicians in Washington.

10. What legal recourse will you have if the government denies you or a loved one medical care? None.

Help us win the fight against Medicare for All. Visit for more information.

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