Thursday, July 30, 2009
By Randy Wills
America's Right
It concerns me greatly that so much attention is focused on the individual plans and programs that the Obama administration is pushing to enact. All that you see taking place today on the floor of Congress simply obfuscates the real end game: the means to gain complete control over every facet of each of our lives. As Vladimir Lenin reportedly said, “It is true that liberty is precious – so precious that it must be rationed.” And you know who’s going to do the rationing, don’t you?
What’s going on reminds me of the tricks that a trainer might use to coax a green horse into allowing a bit to be put in its mouth. Of course, putting the bit in a horse’s mouth is by no means the goal; the goal is to be able to control the animal by the discomfort that the bit causes if the horse doesn’t obey the rider or the plowman. After we, like the dumb beast, have allowed the “bit” of complete government control to be placed in our mouth, then you’ll see the end game unfold.
Colin Powell was absolutely right when he endorsed Obama with the comment “He’s a transformative figure”. Unfortunately, transformations can be anything that the “transformative figure” wants them to be. History is replete with the tales of carnage-covered battlefields left to rot by arrogant leaders in their attempt to “transform” societies and cultures. I am convinced that the end game of this administration is a new world order in which all conflict-producing differences – race, economic, political, religious – are resolved by means of enforced sameness. The spark of human initiative and creativity – individual choice – will be dead, and with it, the spirit of man. The trumped-up emergencies attracting all of our attention are just a means of gaining sufficient control of the levers of political and economic power to begin this Orwellian end game. Don’t be fooled into thinking that defeating any one of these programs is going to change that.
We know what we have to do – take back our country - but how is not so easily discerned. And that is the problem. How do we take back a nation-gone-awry where every vote - regardless of competence, motivation, or legality - counts equally and can be purchased or enticed by corrupt politicians who have nothing in mind other than the power that comes with victory? How does one change the course of a democracy if the electorate – an electorate “educated” in an apostate school system which openly disdains and mocks traditional values - is told what to believe by a complicit MSM, has its values shaped by a hedonistic entertainment industry, and has lost interest in the principle of right and wrong? All one has to do is follow the news for one day to recognize that too many Americans now operate almost exclusively on the basis of self-interest rather than on some commonly understood standard of decency and corporate well-being.
For the rational thinker, it would be difficult to avoid the conclusion that there is some over-arching cosmic war going on between good and evil that is playing out on the world stage with the United States at its epicenter and poised for the climactic battle. I say climactic because if this battle is lost (and the outcome will be decided sooner than most think) and the U.S. is transformed into a Godless bastion of socialism, who will be left to take our place in the world as the friend and protector of all that is good and the implacable foe of all who would withhold the right of mankind to live free?
The colonists, risking all and eschewing anarchy, came to this continent to escape the tyranny of religious persecution, but there is no comparable place for us to go to escape the assault on our freedoms now being made by the White House, Congress, and the courts. We must fight the battle here, among our enemies, constrained as we are by our commitment to peaceful means. Consequently we are faced with even more difficult choices than the colonists were. And besides, aren’t we – those of us who trace our political and moral values to those same Pilgrims, Revolutionaries, and Founding Fathers - the rightful heirs of the product of their wisdom and sacrifices? Why should we be the ones to capitulate to those who claim that the Constitution is a “living document” and interpret it to suit their personal ideology? When President Obama declares that he is going to “remake” America, does he really have a right to claim such a prerogative without a Constitutional Convention giving him that right? Obviously not, but how do we put a stop to this mad plunge into the economic and moral ruin called socialism without resorting to violence? The plain truth is, perhaps we can’t, but rest assured that socialism, as it has in all of its prior manifestations, will fail, and when it does, only those who are able to survive the ensuing cataclysm will be in a position to bring about the rebirth of the Founders’ vision for a free and democratic society.
In my pervious postings on AR I have made it clear that I’m against all violence - except in an act of defense of self, family, community, or nation - as a remedy for human conflict, including political tyranny. All of the rhetoric about “Give me liberty or give me death” notwithstanding, I believe this position is consistent with that held by the Founders until goaded by the British into defending themselves. Their example continues to be my political, as well as spiritual, point of reference. Yet armed with only the two-party political system, weakened as it has become as a result of rampant corruption and moral failure, it seems as though we are faced with the “perfect storm” of destructive elements which many, including myself, fear may not yield to that dull tool in time to keep from reaching the point of no return . As far as a third-party campaign is concerned, my opinion is that it would have little real value other than to make a statement. We tried that in ‘92 with Ross Perot and got Bill Clinton for eight years, so let’s not waste time and resources by going down that road again.
I envision our nation as a house of beautifully unique architecture and great history – let’s call it “The People’s House” - that has become so infested with termites and rot that it is ready to fall with the slightest ground tremor or gust of wind. Perhaps even just one more day of destruction by the hordes of uninvited guests, the termites, will finish the job. We know that we must try to preserve it with our lives because it is the greatest structure of its kind ever built and, if destroyed, may well be the last of its kind in history. It represents who we are – or at least who we once were and would like to become again - but even its foundation (you know, the requisite “Godly virtue” upon which the Founders built “The Peoples’ House”) has crumbled from neglect and there appears to be little interest in rebuilding it. We’ve become so steeped in the fraud called “diversity” that we dare not even broach the subject of Godliness of the Judeo/Christian kind in the political arena, much to our shame.
So realistically, the question becomes an issue of whether it be saved before it collapses or must first be reduced to rubble by its own unsupportable weight before the rebuilding can begin. This has typically been the course that other totalitarian regimes, such as Nazism, Communism, and Fascism, have taken. Those political philosophies have left their host nations in ruin before they would admit to their failure. Don’t think for a minute that, if we continue down the path that the Obama administration has chosen for us, it can’t happen here. The political class has bandied about the term “economically unsustainable” so frequently and casually that we’ve become numb to the implications of that term. When economic collapse happens, as it certainly will if we continue to promise more than any nation can afford, it is a “given” that mass civil unrest will soon follow. As a case in point, it has been reported in the press that the prospect of uncontrollable civil disorder is exactly the “hammer” that Secretary of the Treasury Paulson used to strong-arm TARP through Congress.
So what should our strategy be in times such as these? Should we attempt to replace the rotted timbers by means of the elective process, one at a time, hoping to shore up the structure before it falls? And to what end will any strategy lead us without a foundation upon which to build anew? Some would resort to violence, but that would be the equivalent of burning our house as a means of fumigation to kill the invaders. Lest we bring it down on ourselves like Samson of old, we must choose other means.
Common sense would tell us to get out before it collapses on top of us all. And collapse it will, no matter what the new “Building Superintendent”, President Obama, tells us. A $780 billion “fix” here, a new $1.5 trillion “maintenance” plan there, more extortion of taxpayer wealth somewhere else; just continue to believe in “Hope” and “Change” and all things will be made right. Like the old-time evangelist, he’s very skilled at suspending us over the fiery pit, extorting more and more of our hard-earned income by telling us that if we don’t act now and pony up the cost of the obviously-needed repairs all will be forever lost. He thunders from the bully pulpit “It’s not about me. It’s about taking care of YOU, the endangered inhabitants of the about-to-collapse house.” And the best part of his spiel is that only the top floor tenants will have to bear the expense. Free-everything for all of the lower floor tenants. Right! Everyone with half a brain knows – or would know if they hadn’t had their brains fried in the public education system - that it’s a hoax. The top floor tenants can’t possibly pay for all of his new “repair” programs without bankrupting themselves, so they’ll take their wealth and their business elsewhere, leaving the lower-floor tenants with nothing but suffocating debt and no means to pay it. Obama is a smart guy; he knows this full well, so it must somehow fit his plan. You figure it out.
So, as you can see, our options are very limited. Of course we should continue to work as hard as we can through the political process to replace the current keeper of “The People’s House” and his wrecking crew in Congress. However, it would be foolhardy to bank on being able to fumigate the building and begin to repair the damage before the “Termite-in-Chief” orchestrates the total collapse of the structure. My guess is that the creatures who feed off the very structure that houses them don’t really care whether it is left standing or if it has collapsed into a pile of sawdust. To them, it all tastes the same, so, as long as they can satisfy their appetites, they’ll continue to gnaw away, mindless of what they have wantonly destroyed.
At the risk of being accused of apocalyptic hysteria, my recommendation, and the plan that I and my family are implementing, is for every one with the courage to face reality make preparing for a major upheaval, such as William R. Forstchen portrays in “One Second After”, their top priority. There are many scenarios in which civil disorder of this magnitude could become reality (just think “Katrina” in every metropolitan area), and I wouldn’t dismiss any one of them out-of-hand. We live in extremely volatile economic and political times, exacerbated by a delicate nuclear balance-of-power on the world stage. The match that ignites a global conflagration could be struck in dozens of places – you name it -and at any time.
On the domestic front, the prospects are not any better. I see racial conflict growing, and any serious threat to the Obama administration is only going to intensify that conflict. Listen to his words and you will understand why he wants a civilian armed force, GREATER than our military, made up, I’m sure, of the likes of Acorn, the SEIU, and Americorps. I fear that, in the minds of too many minorities, it's about payback rather than parity. I don’t think that anyone who sat through twenty years of Dr. Wright’s “Black Liberation Theology” rantings is going to do much to ameliorate those feelings. President Obama’s unfortunate press conference comments regarding the incident between Professor Gates and Sgt. Crowley only serves to confirm his tendency to inflame racial tension as a political tool.
Disasters, either man-made or natural, happen, so be prepared. Be prepared for a major collapse of the infrastructure we depend on and civil disorder that will inevitably follow. If you have the freedom to do so, I would even consider moving away from major metropolitan areas - areas typically controlled by the forces that are driving this country into the ground - to areas of like-minded citizenry who will coalesce to provide mutual support in time of chaos. Most importantly, lay up supplies sufficient to sustain those you love in safety and health for an extended period of time. My starting goal was one month and then going on from there, but most people, other than our Mormon friends, aren’t prepared for even a few days absent an intact infrastructure.
My belief is that the next eighteen months will be the most dangerous for the survival of our Constitutional freedom since we became a self-governing people, so my advice is to not be lulled into thinking that this is just another soon-to-be-corrected, pendulum-like, deviation from the norm. It isn’t.
Friday, July 31, 2009
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